Tentech MTD-20KWE


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SKU: MTD-20KWE Category:

• 3½ digits display

• Earth resistance measurement

• Spurious voltage measurement

• Resolution: 0.01 Ω

• Resistance reading: up to 20 kΩ

• Audible signal indicates anomalies in the current circuit

The MTD-20KWe digital earth tester allows for the measurement of Earth Resistances and Soil Specific Resistivity, and also the spurious voltages caused by parasitic voltages present in the soil.

This equipment is suitable for fast and easy measurement of the grounding resistance in house and industrial buildings, hospital installations, lightning rods, antennas, substations, etc. Soil resistivity measurement allows for soil stratification in order to optimize the most complex grounding systems engineering.

Its state-of-the-art system of active and passive filters provides it with high immunity to electric interferences, making it possible to obtain reliable measurements even in the presence of spurious voltages, such as the ones that can be found in some urban areas and near primary substations.



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Tentech MTD-20KWE